Church Leaders

Bush Hill Park Community Church is led by a group of Elders who are responsible to the Church for the spiritual oversight of worship, teaching, membership, fellowship and evangelism.

The bible clearly outlines the qualities of character and experience that by God’s grace are necessary for those appointed to this role (1 Timothy 3:1-7 & 11; Titus 1:5-9; and 1 Peter 5:2-3).


Stui Chaplin

Stui is the Pastor of Bush Hill Park Community Church. He and his wife Katherine have been members of BHPCC since they moved to London to train for ministry in 2009. They have 3 children.


Nick Norman

Nick was appointed to serve as an Elder in 2022. He has been a part of the BHPCC family since the church began and is often seen playing the piano in our services.


Paul Robinson

Paul has been an Elder since the church began in 2007. Paul and Christine have 3 grown up children and a couple of grandchildren.


John Reeves

John has been an Elder since the church started. He is married to Philippa and has 2 grown up sons and several grandchildren.


Roger Wray

Roger has also been an Elder since the church was planted. He is married to Sarah and they have 3 growing children.