Early Years

Tots & Toys

Tuesdays during term time

When you are caring for toddlers on the move, it’s often a relief to get out of the house for just a little while and meet with other people in the same situation!

Tots & Toys is a free group for pre-school children and their carers with a selection of toys, craft activities, bible stories, and singing for the kids, and plenty of coffee, cake, and chats for their carers!

Bumps & Babies

Tuesdays during term time

The late stages of pregnancy and the early days of having a newborn can feel quite isolating as your whole routine changes. So it can be helpful to meet with other people going through those big changes.

Bumps & Babies is a place where you can come and meet with other people at the same stage of life as you and get advice from those who have been through it before. There’s refreshments for you and suitable toys for the kids. Everyone is welcome to come along.

Tying Their Shoes

Parenting is a wonderful privilege but it can also be a huge challenge. As Christians, the bible gives us a wealth of wisdom to help us think about how to raise our children.

Using a work book and meeting in person with mentors, Tying Their Shoes is a series of parenting classes that we offer to anyone preparing for parenthood.

For more information on any of these groups,
please contact us